Dan Young Works

Dan Young

View video of "Inside the Artist's Studio" talk from 10/25/2022
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Silt, CO

"I love the  challenge of the unknown every time I step up to the easel. It doesn’t matter if I’m in the studio or out in the field. I have a vision of what I want the painting to say when it is finished. The challenge begins as the first stroke of paint is applied. No matter how much preliminary work I’ve done, the painting still evolves in the painting process. This can be a great thing, or disaster in the making. I have a great job!"

Education: Colorado Institute of Art.

Selected Publications: Western Art Collector; Art of the West; Southwest Art; American Art Collector; Cowboys and Indians.

Selected Exhibitions: Arts in the Embassies, Belgium; American Masters, Salmagundi Art Club, NY; Western Visions, National Museum of Wildlife, WY; Bradford Brinton Memorial Museum, WY; Gilcrease Museum, OK.

Representation: Ann Korologos Gallery; Simpson Gallager Gallery; Legacy Gallery; Evergreen Fine Art; Paderewski Fine Art.